Inner Harmony: Practicing Sincere Appreciation
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A loss of mojo – otherwise known as your confidence or charisma – can make life feel a little dreary. That is why it is so important to reclaim it as quickly as possible.
One great way to find your mojo is by practicing sincere appreciation. If you put appreciation out into the world, it often finds its way back to you exponentially. Here are 3 simple appreciation exercises to try.
1. Notice and give thanks for gestures big and small. Pay more attention to those around you. By noticing their gestures, it will prompt you to express your thankfulness. This can be done in simple ways like a text, a note, or sharing a cup of tea.
2. Recognize effort. We are all so busy in our lives and sometimes we forget to stop and appreciate the goodness in others. Whether it is applauding a healthy change, appreciating a helping hand, or just noticing the little things someone else does to make the world a better place, recognizing the efforts of others is incredibly important.
3. Celebrate successes. You can appreciate those around you by celebrating their successes. In a world where so many are pushed down be the one who takes joy in elevating others.